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Old 07-17-2008, 03:09 PM   #361
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Originally Posted by Ward View Post
Just as much as I don't ever see myself moving from Mac computers or ipods to any other brand, that is how I feel about Blackberry. I can honestly say I'd rather pay $500 for a Berry Bold than be given $100 to use a free iphone 3G. I won't bash on it because I have not really played with an iPhone beyond watching the address book scroll through in that cool fluid way, but I know what's important to me and I stick with what works well. I've been using this 1st generation Pearl on AT&T since the first half of last year and I can honestly say that aside from that damn hour glass that shows up now and then, the berry is phenomenal in every aspect. Phone works so well, browser is slow but 3g and wifi should be a huge improvement, and then the bberry messenger is probably my favorite thing ever to be featured on a phone. So many of my friends are on bbm and so many more are getting blackberries that I don't want to lose that extra communication channel which I happen to like way better than text msgng or actual talking. The Bold will probably address every possible improvement over my old Pearl, aside from being a bit bigger. Now if AT&T would release the thing already because Bold funds are seriously burning a hole through my pockets.
I also love how you can sign a new 2 yr contract 13+ months into your current 2 yr contract. So great.
Brand loyalty is as good as any other reason to stick with something. I will always buy Chevy for example. What I can't stand is people who bash something without knowing ANYTHING about the other product. Ive been PC and MAC arguments where people argue about how much macs suck, because all they know is their mac classic from back in the day. Thats like comparing Windows 3.11 to OSX and saying Windows sucks because it can't connect to the internet without winsock running. LOL
The crazy Filipino!!
PIN: 20FA40E8
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