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Old 09-28-2008, 12:31 AM   #1
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Default How to Download SSH mobile Client

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This is a little guide to installing a FREE SSH mobile client software.

The simple way, if it works with your BB, is to download it directly from your phone via WAP. The link is:
MidpSSH | SSH and Telnet client for Mobile devices (MIDP/J2ME)
Here, you can do as it says and download the software from the website on your mobile browser. And thats it.

However I recently had an error while downloading mine... Error 500, which seems to be pretty common. I tried downloading it in every way I could find, but here is the correct way I found if you have this same problem:
1. Go here: BSCreations! - J2A
2. Download his amazing software (JAR2ALX.EXE)
3. Download the most recent JDE for the Blackberry BlackBerry - BlackBerry Developer Program | Support, Downloads, Knowledge Base, Community
4. Download the build you want from MidpSSH:
MidpSSH | SSH and Telnet client for Mobile devices (MIDP/J2ME)
5. You should only need the Jar file.
6. After downloading, run JAD Maker (located in C:\Program Files\Brandon Swift Creations\Jar 2 Alx\JADMaker)
5. Now you should have both his software, and the JDE installed, and both your jar and jad file ready to go.
7. Just place the two files in this directory: C:\Program Files\Brandon Swift Creations\Jar 2 Alx\JarFiles
8. After doing so, start his program, and follow his easy steps ( I already gave you) and finish the conversion, and you now have a .alx file
9. Take that file and use your Blackberry Desktop Manager to load the application onto your Blackberry
10. Thats it, as I was looking around the web for hours I could not find this anywhere, and I was having this problem for sometime... Hope this helps someone else with this same issue :P

-Credit goes to Brandon Swift for making such an awesome software, and to -MidpSSH for giving us such an awesome app (plus its FREE)...TY
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