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Old 10-20-2008, 03:30 PM   #29
Thumbs Must Hurt
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Default Fortune Favors the Bold

Its unfortunate that RIM and ATT had "problems" with the 3G Network so that the Bold will now be released in the US in the fall, instead of early summer, because it is a different financial world now, a different market. But my enthusiasm for the Bold is undiminished, and while the Storm may be the hotter impending toy right now, the qwerty keyboard Bold, with more specs and wi-fi and all that, and higher graphics etc., etc., still seems like a better business choice.

I hope ATT/RIM take a lesson from Disney/Pixar and overcome any differences they may have, because their's has been a winning combination. I don't even have my ATT Bold in-hand yet, and I'm hoping ATT gets first dibs on the Magnum. I don't get all of these posts every time a different carrier comes out with a newer model, to the effect that the market will follow immediately, as if there were no such things as contracts.
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