Thread: Obama speech
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Old 02-25-2009, 11:46 AM   #36
John Clark
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Originally Posted by JSanders View Post
Oh, goody... so what is included in HR 1105 that President Obama so eloquently sold the american public last evening?

(cut and paste):

H.R. 1105 is simply the Obama-Pelosi-Reid stimulus bill's little brother. It contains many of the same wasteful spending provisions and earmarks for left wing organizations and pet-projects, and it amounts to certain government agencies and programs being funded twice.

The following spending levels are above and beyond those provided for in the stimulus, which has now been officially signed into law:

· Total spending proposed in the 2009 Omnibus. $410 billion. This is a $32 billion increase over 2008 levels and represents the largest annual spending increase since the Carter Administration.
· International Family Planning. $545 million, which will now flow to abortion providers since President Obama has overturned the Mexico City Policy.
· Health Care Rationing. $50 million, in addition to the $1.1 billion included in the "stimulus" to conduct "comparative effectiveness research" to evaluate the effectiveness of different preventative health interventions.
· Fairness Doctrine. Removes a provision that prohibits funds from being used to implement the so-called "fairness doctrine," which aims to censor "conservative" media content.
· Census. $3.13 billion, in addition to the $1 billion provided in the "stimulus" for the 2010 Census, which the Obama Administration is attempting to monitor and control from the Executive Branch.
· ACORN. $181 million, for the Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation for housing counseling-the program that greatly contributed to the current mortgage meltdown.
· Obama Inauguration. $20 million. To reimburse State and local governments for inauguration expenses.
· Obama Inauguration, part 2. $39 million, for the District of Columbia to pay for the increased security.
· New West Wing/White House computers. $76 million.
· Migrant Housing. $5.4 million. In other words, government benefits for non-U.S. citizens.
· UN/international Peacekeeping. $1.5 billion, while also raising the cap on annual U.S. contributions to UN peacekeeping.

And now, here is a quick sampling of the earmarks included in the Omnibus:

· $950,000 for a National Council of La Raza loan fund for "community development activities."
· $5.8 million for the Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the Senate at the University of Massachusetts.
· $7.1 million for the recovery of Hawaiian sea turtle populations.
· $713,000 for "intelligent facades for high performance green buildings" in New York.
· $475,000 for hybrid buses in Guam.
· $950,000 for a bike path in Wisconsin.

*shakes head*

Hope and change...... Hope and change
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