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Old 05-15-2009, 07:13 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by MobileMind View Post
Drugs and drink don't work for me so I will pass on the chill pill. But take your point - get some perspective man!!! - it was not that long an outage and there were other reasons why I did not get that mail at 1am this morning!

Still - quickly sobering up and getting back to fear (Oh #### maybe my Blackberry is not perfect yet), anxiety (cause there is too much at stake here for RIM to #### this up) and desperate for an answer mode I do want that conversation with RIM!!!
I think we all know RIMs BlackBerry product is the best at what it does out there, and that no technology is infallible.

I think we shall just have to see how the next 6/12 months pan out for them. You're right, they have tried to push into the consumer world more recently, (which is why BB is the number 1 smartphone for sales in the US at the mo) so you've got to give them a hand for keeping up with such an increase.

I'm confident personally that these are just little problems, and there will be some hickups along the road, but you've just gotta remember, the alternative is activesync!!!!
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