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Old 11-18-2009, 07:47 AM   #34
New Member
Join Date: Jan 2009
Model: 900
Carrier: ATT
Posts: 35

Wirelessly posted

Originally Posted by Yippee38
I wonder when they are going to release it to the general pop? I suspect there will be a price drop for corporate customers then (at least I hope so).
According to an email I just received from AT&T, November 22nd is correct. No word on a price drop but I doubt it. Perhaps a retailer, Walmart for example, will offer some type of discount though assuming they will carry it.

I'm a bit worried about the smaller keyboard as I have pretty big hands. On the 9000 I'm extremely fast and can easily type without looking at the phone. Also I know it is a small or nonexistent factor for some, but I LOVE the 9000's speakers. I often use it as a mini radio for playing Pandora.

That said, I rarely keep a phone over a year and according to AT&T the only way for me to reinstate insurance on my account (it was canceled due to two claims within a year) is to buy a new phone. Evidenced by the two claims, not having insurance is certainly not a smart status for me... Decision decisions!

I am going to try the 9700 out as soon as it is available at my local store. Assuming the keyboard seems workable, as in it will require a learning curve but not be an impossibly for me, I will most likely purchase it. I am upgrade eligible so hopefully they do not try to give me the shaft.

Last edited by msteadman; 11-18-2009 at 07:54 AM..
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