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Old 12-23-2009, 04:04 AM   #1
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Default Send As perms on Exchange 2010

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I'm losing my freaking mind

I have been trying to get a new BES 5 server running for HOURS against our Exchange 2010 system. Yes, I'm running the correct version - 5.0.1 MR1 with the right CDO etc. It was working briefly earlier today, and then it stopped and I can't figure out why. I have even gone so far as to wipe the server and reload from scratch and I am still having trouble. I'm fairly certain my problem is that I can't get the AD permissions for the BESAdmin account to apply correctly. I am following the directions in the BES 5.0.1 Install Guide on page 20-21. I have completed steps 1-3 successfully, but whenever I try #4 I get the following:

[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Add-ADPermission -InheritedObjectType User -InheritanceType Descendents -ExtendedRights Send-As
-User "BESAdmin" -Identity "CN=Users,DC=PUHSD,DC=ORG"
Active Directory operation failed on dc-dhcp.PUHSD.ORG. This error is not retriable. Additional information: Access is
Active directory response: 00000005: SecErr: DSID-031521D0, problem 4003 (INSUFF_ACCESS_RIGHTS), data 0
+ CategoryInfo : WriteError: (0:Int32) [Add-ADPermission], ADOperationException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : DA172DD1,Microsoft.Exchange.Management.RecipientTa sks.AddADPermission

I can't figure out why I am getting denied. I am a member of both Domain Admins and Enterprise Admins, as well as Organization Management. Based on everything I can find I should be able to apply these rights but it just isn;t happening. Does anyone have any ideas about what could be causing this, or have an alternate method for getting these rights applied without using Powershell? I'm desperate, I don't want to spend my Christmas here...
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