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Old 03-30-2010, 12:44 PM   #17
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But its not murder if it's justified right? If these men feel that their actions were to be justified then in their minds they were following Christ's vision for them. And even if they were crazy, they could simply find in their hearts now to realize they were wrong and ask for forgiveness and they would be back in the fold (in prison of course).
Certainly no one is perfect and by your definition then everyone that plans to sin is not a Christian or is it just the people planning to commit murder? Rape? Robbery? Adultery?

Christianity is just as big and diverse as Islam and any other religion. To say that because they don't adhere to your personal beliefs does nto simply make them not a Christian. - my belief.
"A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any invention in human history - with the possible exceptions of handguns and tequila." - unknown

Last edited by test54; 03-30-2010 at 12:47 PM..
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