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Old 04-19-2010, 04:20 PM   #22
New Member
Join Date: Apr 2010
Model: 9550
Carrier: Verizon
Posts: 4

Ever tried to stick a five year old behind the wheel of a semi? (I hope not) It takes some skills to learn how to make if function properly. Otherwise, it would seem like a pile of junk death trap.

Same kinda goes with your phone. If you don't have what you need to run a smart phone, just get yourself a nice pretty phone that will play your music. Or study hard.

I personally ran to get a Storm when they came out and oh boy, was I in for some fun. It was not only going through the many issues that arrived along its growth path but, it was my first BB period. But, I stuck it out and in the end, that phone is still sitting on my desk as I type this. Its not on, I'm now on a Storm 2 but, its fully functional. But, I went through many LEARNING issues along the way.

Just be thankful for an awesome community that seams to come from owning a BB where people are willing to spend hours helping a complete stranger learn how to fix what is mostly likely something they buggered up themselves.
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