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Old 05-27-2010, 08:07 AM   #10
CrackBerry Addict
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: Airport lounges and starbuxxx
Model: 9900
Carrier: Vodafone Business
Posts: 573

Get a cheap contract and add BB service over it. Another alternative would be to stay on PAYG and just add the monthly "Internet" bundle so any net traffic that drops transport outside BIS would be inclusive. It would add another fiver to your bill.

I understand that you shouldn't be forced to commit to a contracted agreement or pay more money just because they're incapable to manage efficiently the pre-paid service they offer but that's the reality of it.

It reaches a point that you need to decide if your time could be used to produce something more constructive than calling every other day the support line and trying to explain to someone in far asian lands that a couple of pence charges here and a few there shouldn't be on your bill. And in the case of Orange(UK) being charged 20p a pop for the privilege.

Doesn't worth the hassle imho.
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