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Old 07-15-2010, 09:38 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by penguin3107 View Post
My CEO has Win 7 and Outlook 2010... and his BlackBerry is syncing fine. Why? Because we have a BES.

Many people seem to forget that RIM's primary target audience is the corporate world... and the corporate users are typically in BES environments.

I'm not a RIM apologist by any stretch of the imagination... but some of you need to put things in perspective.
There's simply not going to be all that many users with Outlook 2010 syncing their Blackberry via Desktop Manager. There will be some, sure, but the percentage of these users compared to BES users is going to be minuscule in comparison.
This is most likely why there's barely any RIM support for this issue right now.

RIM even provides a free version of BES for those prosumer types who want to experience the full capabilities of their handheld. Might want to look into that as an option if it suits your particular environment.

Just my 2 cents.
I had to Google BES and don't know who/what RIM is ( explanation would be appreciated) but the last company I worked for was a Fortune 100 Company with 25,000 employees worldwide and used Outlook so I have to imagine there are a few BB users.
My current employer has ~75 employees and about a dozen BB's but I am the first to have Win 7 and we only have a part time IT guy who comes in a couple of times a month leaving us nontechie types to fend for ourselves. Thank God for Google, but it takes a ton of time to research issues like this one in an attempt to come up to speed (over two weeks so far).
If someone would be kind enough to explain BES and what to do to make it work (and possible drawbacks), how to purchase it and cost, it would be helpful to me and the others whom our company is going to hire as we are experiencing some decent growth.
As a last resort I am scheduled to have Outlook 2010 uninstalled and the 2007 version installed tomorrow.

I find it unfathomable that this is even an issue at this point as BB have had similar problems for two years. I equate this to purchasing a new car only to find out you have to go through 20 steps to get the jack to work when you get a flat tire.
Rant off.
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