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Old 08-30-2010, 01:55 PM   #13
New Member
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Maryland
Model: 9550
Carrier: Verizon Wireless
Posts: 1

I'm not sure if anyone else has had these problems with the Storm2, but, here is what has been happening with mine.

I don't have many complaints about the BB Storm2, however, I notice that after BB upgrades the phone 'behaves' strangely. The last upgrade has just about ruined my touch screen. It gets a mind of its own when I 'touch' a program that I want to open. Sometimes the program will open, and sometimes it will open in a flash and close. I will have to try to select a different program to open and then return to the program I am actually trying to get in to.

The keyboard will also 'stick' when I am typing in BBM or Gmail, etc. The keyboard will get very tough like the perfect touch doesn't want to move and actually type the letter. Then, usually, the program will close and return me to the homescreen again. The I end up fighting with it to get it to open again. The text I had been typing will still be there but sometimes the program will close and return to the homescreen 3-4 times before I can finish typing.

Also, my return key and home key work sometimes. I never had this problem until the recent upgrade...maybe back in May? It has been a while.

Also, since the upgrade, when the phone rings, I have to select 'answer' multiple times until the call will be answered. There have been times I can't answer it at all and miss the call. The keyboard and/or the 'green' answer button won't acknowledge that I am pushing on them. Very annoying!

Some days the BB works perfectly and other days I want to toss it out the 12th story window. Curious is anyone else has this problem?
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