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Old 09-25-2010, 12:08 AM   #43
Talking BlackBerry Encyclopedia
Join Date: Jun 2009
Model: 9800
Carrier: ATT
Posts: 225

After two days with my new Torch, humbs up here too, after moving from a 9000.

Room for improvement:

The lock key on top is too sensitive.

The phone itself is a little bit on the heavy and delicate side, but understandable. Really hoping to find the right kind of -- rubberized or other -- case to take care of that .... am searching, want something slimmer than the otterbox.

Would have preferred a manual keyboard a little bit closer (bigger) in size to the 9000 (which would make the whole phone wider, but that is ok imo), but may just need some adjustment time. Also, the manual keyboard is sort of in a basin rather protruding -- hopefully just some readjustment on my part to come back up to speed if not excel?

Would have much preferred -- if possible? -- more punctuation marks being included on the initial virtual keyboard, rather than having to change to a secondary keyboard for that.

Would like that global icon key next to the space bar on the virtual keyboard -- serving in the first instance as a change language function, and secondarily (when the first is turned off) as a return function -- going away somehow. Heck, make it a comma!

The slider a little bit catchier to slide upon touch.

Would have been a little bit nicer if some of the stock bb apps had a facelift or two.

Sort of a little annoying that the "manage connections" function is too easily accessible by touching the top of the screen -- have inadvertently changed some of the connections without meaning to. Hopefully readjustment will solve that. (Anyone know if that can be disabled somehow -- can't seem to find such an option?)

Not sure, coming from a 9000, if I would have preferred a universal usb port or this micro...

Would have preferred Amazon/ATT sending me a USB cable AND a separate charger, rather than a plug that needs the USB cable to charge the phone.

Having said all that, those all are pretty much minor -- hopefully all will get lost in readjustment ahead while otherwise...

I REALLY LIKE, among other things:

Of course, the touchscreen in addition to the manual keyboard option. And better screen resolution.

Being able to turn the phone on its side to get a larger virtual keyboard.

Otherwise, being able to transition from the manual/virtual keyboard depending on function.

The larger megapixel camera/videocam.

Wow, this webkit browser kicks ass in several ways -- fast, tabs, touchscreen zoom, etc! Same overall with the 6.0 OS, so far!....

Universal Search -- WOW!

Being able to sift left/right from various collections (all, favorites, downloads, etc) of apps -- really nice!

Nicer media player. Trackpad. Picture gallery. Social Feeds.

Grippier, easier back cover.

Stock IM apps.

Again, coming from a 9000 -- ALL THE EXTRA application and device memory space!

...anyways, thanks RIM!

Last edited by nathan62969; 09-25-2010 at 12:13 AM..
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