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Old 11-26-2010, 06:30 PM   #220
New Member
Join Date: Nov 2009
Model: Storm
Carrier: Verizon
Posts: 3
Default Re: Post your top Word Mole score

My top score is now 19,316, on the BB Storm, and it was somewhere around round 41-44.
My best bonus has been 40 for 720 pts.

I had plateaued at a high score around 16,500 and bonus of 39 for many months but just broke above those last week.

pts/min 188.2
words/min 4.9
best word 219 (I forget what it was)
avg word 37.9
max length 14
avg length 6.1

when it comes to the bonus veggies that pop up each frame I have gotten to the point where I get 4 at once, but never more. When you are getting 4 you tend to get enough bonus points to move you along pretty good. In my case, into round 35-40.

I try to start each frame with "Wonderfully" (like I saw someone else does) or some version, and it could up deviating to "wrestling" or "startling" or "Workings"

Considering how much I've played this game I'm really impressed with those that have done better
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