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Old 04-06-2011, 05:09 PM   #42
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Default Re: BlackBerry PlayBook is ‘dead on arrival’, analyst claims.

Originally Posted by ifonline View Post
I assume you have never used OmniFocus, otherwise you would understand just how weak your argument is. [...]

And I love how because you believe Angry Birds isn't a "must have" app, that we all should believe it isn't a "must have" app. Since when did you speak for me?
To say that my argument is weak, you'd first have to understand it. Let's take it from the top.

- Many argue that Apple's access to hundreds of thousands of apps is an advantage and I say say not so. Most of the vast majority of those apps are superfluous.

- Takes the excess out of the equation and that leaves us with apps that are of practical use. Well, when you do that, the BB is not lacking in any way what-so-ever when compared to the iPhone. Your beloved OmniFocus is one app that is quite practical indeed. But just because you love it so does mean that it does anything more efficiently than what I need my BB to do. If you disagree, please be specific and explain. If you know how to use it, the calendar on the BB works just fine (not to mention Google Calendar).

- In as much as you assume I've never used OmniFocus before, I assume you haven't tried every organizing app available on app world. Thus, your perceived superior performance of that app is just that - "perceived" and that actually renders your argument weak - not mine.

- You brought up Angry Birds and that's just a game. If I'm wrong and that is indeed a 'must have' app for you, then fine. But again the availability of it on iPhone and not the BB for you does not counter my argument. I won't even pretend to speak for you.

- There's no question that the iPhone and the iPad are exceptional products and BB loyalists who tout that they suck are just as wrong as Apple loyalist who do the same for their preference. But when making an argument against or for that preference, should be supported with substance. What's the argument going to be, numbers of apps available or the quality of apps? My argument is about the numbers.
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