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Old 04-14-2011, 12:09 PM   #54
BlackBerry Extraordinaire
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Default Re: BlackBerry PlayBook is ‘dead on arrival’, analyst claims.

Well, I don't see those as unpromising, but that is just my opinion. If for you the negatives out weigh the positives then by all means wait (as some reviewers are advising) or buy something else. If, on the other hand you don't need 3G/4G connectivity (because a Blackberry is always glued to your hip, or you just don't need it at all (they still sell WiFi only iPads don't they?)) and you think the hardware, including the screen size, is good then it may be for you.

If you need stand alone email, contacts, etc out of the box, or if you want to mix and match (PlayBook and iPhone perhaps) then waiting for the apps you need, or buying a different product is good advice.

In the end, the only review or metric that maters to me is how many times the CTO calls down with requests for software for the PlayBook vs iPad vs Android. I know we got a handful of first gen iPads for evaluation when they were released. Only two of them were ever activated. There isn't a business case for using them. Lots of people wanted to take them home to try them out.

Is the software that people are seeing immature? Sure I would agree with that. Is that a major issue for me? No, but I can understand that it is for a lot of people. The real question is could I (or more imporantly my clients) be productive with one today? The answer is yes.

But I'm beginning to re-think my stragegy here. Maybe I should shut up so I don't have to stand in line on Tuesday.
My other Blackberry is a PlayBook.
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