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Old 09-16-2011, 12:33 PM   #11
Talking BlackBerry Encyclopedia
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Default Re: Wanting to install 7.0 OS on a 9800 torch

Originally Posted by tbird57 View Post
which is one of several reasons why Rims market share is slipping.
I am an almost fanatical supporter of RIM, but I think we have to face the fact that RIM has become a follower rather than an innovator. What it has going for it is the gold standard in security. For me that is critical. As well I can run all the business applications I need as well as all the non-business applications I need or enjoy. I have two games on it (both not originally on the device) and do not miss any others, having taken off the default games. I download and listen to books on tape with audible and have most on my CD collection on the micro SD card on my Blackberry. I have weather applicatins, mapping applicatins and a host of other third party applications which I enjoy. There is not a single application that may be available on iPhone or an Android device, but not on a RIM device, which I miss in the least. The torch 9800 is more than adequate for me.
However, the Bold 9000 which was introduced three years ago, was a game changer. The torch 9800 introduced a year ago was not. Imagine if the current crop of OS 7 devices had been introduced a year ago (which after all was two years after the Bold 9000). RIM would have blown the competition out of the water. That is the problem with the Playbook which is hurting RIM more that its Blackberry devices. It came out a year after the iPad and nothing new except Flash (which Android devices support) and the tethering/security of a Blackberry.
RIM needs to be an innovator again, which it has not been since the Bold 9000.
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