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Old 11-06-2011, 08:51 AM   #19
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Default Re: should i repent buying a blackberry?

Originally Posted by alefiya View Post
ok this what happened.
one evening when i picked up my blackberry to make a call,i could not hear the the voice of the person at the other end although the call had got through. i tried this a couple of times more but the same problem . i asked a friend to call me and although she could hear my voice i couldnt and i noticed that everytime i tried to make a call or recieved one my phone would reboot. i took my phone to an authorized service center and they said my phone had a hardware problem and i would get it only after 15 days. i requested them for a stand by phone since 15 days is a long time but they refused.My phone is just 2 months old.i know for sure that there was no moisture damage or any other mishandling from my side. I tried to contact black berry if they could help me out but i did not receive a decent response. what am i supposed to do . i didnt like the way we customers are handled here in bangalore india.i met many other people at the service center itself and they all were dissatisfied with the there any way we can get ourselves heard by a concerned person . does anybody know any way we can?
I sincerely apologize that you mistakenly purchased a low-end device and expected the equivalent of Ferrari service for a Tata. That is not how this world works.

That said, RIM will never handle your problem directly. If your problems aren't being handled, that's between you and Airtel. RIM is not involved unless Airtel involves them. They will not do anything for you directly.
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