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Old 12-12-2011, 06:16 PM   #5
Jack T. Chance
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Exclamation Re: What The Frak is going on with BIS on T-Mobile?!?

Originally Posted by Dubdub View Post
Perhaps you should not have upgraded the OS?

If it ain't broke, it don't need fixing with an OS upgrade.
As I mentioned, this was independent of the OS version.

I used for a long time. It's the version that came installed on my BlackBerry 9700, and after using for some time, certain glitches came to light, most notably the fact that the Threaded Conversation-style SMS system (which was forced on us, whether we wanted it or not, with no way to turn it off and return to a more normal text messaging operation,) has a glitch wherein after sending multiple messages back & forth, it will "lock up", rendering the BlackBerry unable to open the messages to & from that contact. Usually a reboot/battery pull is necessary to get the texting working again. So, as you can see, it WAS broken and it DID need to be fixed!

Eventually, I got fed up with having to reboot my BB several times a day due to the locked up texting, so I decided to upgrade to 6.0 once it was finally available. That was a huge mistake and waste of time. It took T-Mobile FOREVER to bring out 6.0, which then turned out to be a bloated memory hog that renders the 9700 unusable. The 9700 simply doesn't have sufficient resources to run 6.0 properly.

Since I had to roll back the OS anyway, I decided to try one version earlier, which I think was But the same problem with the texting existed. So, I gave .714 1 more try last week. Still locking up on texting, so now I've upgraded to the newest 5.0 release for the 9700, We'll see how that does.

In the meantime, from the time this BIS problem started, to now, no change of the OS version has solved that problem. Keeps happening, no matter what.

I imagine I'll end up calling T-Mobile Tech Support tomorrow, if I feel like spending a couple hours trying to get some info out of them as to what could be going on.
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Last edited by Jack T. Chance; 12-12-2011 at 06:21 PM..
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