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Old 02-22-2012, 02:23 PM   #1
Knows Where the Search Button Is
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Default Is Anyone At Bb Watching?

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I have a suggestion for RIM that would help to win the BlackPad some market share.

It seems that a lot of people want more Android 'apps' on the BlackPad than may have become available with the latest update. I have read numerous postings on other sites and articles in the press that say words to the effect - "Too little too late." and bemoan the lack of tens of thousands of 'apps'. ( I am not quite sure what people actually do with tens of thousands of 'apps', but that would be the topic of an entirely different post).

BlackBerry is encouraging the people who write these 'apps' to port them to the BB system. However, the reality is that there is no incentive for them to do so as so few BlackPads have been sold to date ( at least in comparison to other tablet manufacturers). So, here is my suggestion;

Hire a couple of guys for $80K apiece and task them to hunt down the owners of every Android app and offer to write the necessary programme to port their 'app' to BlackBerry for FREE. It would be a classic 'win-win'. The owners get their 'apps' exposed to an entirely new audience and RIM addresses the, supposed, lack of 'apps' issue.

It would be the best $150K Rim has spent in a long, long time.

Last edited by TROONORTH; 02-22-2012 at 02:24 PM..
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