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Old 02-22-2012, 05:22 PM   #8
BlackBerry Extraordinaire
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Default Re: Is Anyone At Bb Watching?

Originally Posted by TROONORTH View Post
I have a suggestion for RIM that would help to win the BlackPad some market share.

Hire a couple of guys for $80K apiece and task them to hunt down the owners of every Android app and offer to write the necessary programme to port their 'app' to BlackBerry for FREE. It would be a classic 'win-win'. The owners get their 'apps' exposed to an entirely new audience and RIM addresses the, supposed, lack of 'apps' issue.

It would be the best $150K Rim has spent in a long, long time.
This would be so much more effective than providing tools that, for roughly 60% of applications in the App Market, take an APK and produce a BAR. Or the staff at the last two DevCons who would walk an Android app through the porting, approval deployment process. Or the dev get togethers happening here and there where they will do the same thing. The process is so easy in fact that people who aren't programmers download the dev tools, get an APK they want off an Android phone, convert it and "side load" to their PlayBooks. In theory this will work for the Blackpad as well, but you need the leaked developer tools from two years ago.
My other Blackberry is a PlayBook.

Last edited by hrbuckley; 02-22-2012 at 05:24 PM..
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