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Old 02-24-2012, 01:19 AM   #4
Knows Where the Search Button Is
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Posts: 18
Default Re: Importing Calendar/Contacts From Bold 9900 To PlayBook?

In theory, theory and practice are the same thing. In practice, they are often different.

Keeping a corporate directory private maybe a good thing. But unless you're 2 years or less out of school, your business contacts and personal contact are mixed, and hence are the asset of the person.

It would be nice to designate contacts as corporate private, but this doesn't happen on BB phones. Most people use contact categories, supported in outlook, exchange and BB phones. If one were to make the case of corporate separation, the ACL would be on the category.

The issue of not syncing with Bridge, or outlook is just functionality they overlooked... and a pretty big mistake. If they had a Beta program for it, they would have found it out early and could have rectified it.

My guess is that some sort of syncing will be in the next update.

Don't fall into the trap of thinking lack of functionality is actually some sort of 'security feature'. I'm in the security industry and it's funny how many people use that excuse as a way of obscuring a lack of functionality.
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