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Old 02-25-2012, 08:39 AM   #11
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Default Re: Importing Calendar/Contacts From Bold 9900 To PlayBook?

Originally Posted by ZombieBerry View Post
You said it lacked functionality. Went on a little security related rant.

If you are trying to sync your corporate c-list via Google, you have bigger issues. I am having no issues with how my contacts sync (public, friends, fam, etc...), and when I Bridge I can be safe in the fact that my private contact list will not be saved on my tablet. Syncing your contacts through Google is not the prescribed method, it's a work-around, and one that can be used by a person with a BIS phone. Maybe security is not an issue with them.

I would guess it would be different for someone who was using a BIS BB, or didn't have a BB at all.
You are right, if you aren't on a BES, or the BES doesn't prevent you from syncing with Google (or some other service) then either that level of security is not required, or has been neglected. The Bridge has to work with BlackBerry phones that don't (and won't) fully implement Balance. I expect that with Balance and Mobile Fusion syncing of corporate liable data between devices under IT Policy control via corporate servers.

Until that is implemented, and for those who will continue to use the devices they have now the current implementation prevents the Bridge from providing a way around corporate controls when in force, but allows users who aren't under coporate controls to do what they want with there data.

It is far from perfect. But as an interim step between an infrastructure that is arguably business/government centric and all but ignored personal use, to one based on Balance and will allow separate control over corporate and personal data it is a workable compromise.

Don't doubt my credentials...I wasn't posting on a forum whining about a security feature. YOU have to make the choice to go through the steps to import your company contacts onto the tablet. Yeah, it can be done, as with lots of things, if there is a way to do it, someone, somewhere will eventually do it.
Don't know who you're talking to, but I didn't do anything to circumvent corporate policy.
My other Blackberry is a PlayBook.
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