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Old 05-16-2006, 01:09 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by BassKozz
I am having similar issues...
I just switched job's and there for had to switch BES accounts, and I backed-up my old e-mails/addressbook/etc... using Desktop Manager...
Now I setup a new account, and I have new e-mails/addressbook/etc... but I want to merge in my old information (old account) into the new info(new acccount), but Desktop Manager won't let me, it will only will let me overwrite the files instead of merge (using the restore function).
I need to get this old information out of the backup.ipd file so I can merge it into my new account somehow, I figured if I could convert this file to *.CSV or similar, I could simply merge this into outlook and be allset.
It's too bad Desktop Manager doesn't allow for merging of a backup via the restore function (only overwrite)... :(
Any Idea's?
Originally Posted by KonTiki
What about just synching it to the excisting one. I mean first I would do a backup of the new one also so that i have a backup of both. Then I would synch with outlook to copy all the handheld onto the outlook, then I would restore the old backup to the handheld overwriting the new stuff and resynch again so that it merges with what is in outlook already. If all fails you do have the backup of the new so you at least can get that back.
Originally Posted by BassKozz
My Outlook is setup via BES Exchange server, so all the files are already on Outlook, but If I restore the OLD backup, won't it overwrite all the new data (because it's wirelessly sync'ed) ?
Anyone ?
How can I get this data off the backed-up IPD file and onto my exchange account?
Is there no way to convert *.ipd to *.csv or similar?
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