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Old 03-16-2005, 02:02 PM   #12
Knows Where the Search Button Is
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Miami, FL
Model: Pearl
Carrier: T-Mobile
Posts: 31

Our Exchange handles our internal network, and we have an outside source for collecting all external email. Currently each individual machine pulls the specific users email, which is working just fine. Outside of 2 users, all email is stored on the Exchange Server... my understanding is the BES should work fine once the POP3 connector is setup.

I read through everything again yesterday and I just don't see me getting this hooked up. I've called a few friends to see if they have contacts that can help me. At this point, I really just want to get opinions for people using BES 4.0 on functionality. All of the guys using the BBs get between 40-100 email daily, so deleting on the BB then again in Outlook blows and is time consuming. I understand this goes away with BES. Additionally, we frequently have to review email in folders... I understand this is a standard feature as well. With those 2 items I'm sold on the value of the BES.

My Brother/Partner upgraded to a BB about 6 months ago and has been using the redirector. It's been spotty, and there's been times where I had to manually Send/Receive to get the network email passing. It's been frustrating as hell.

I've now go two guys out of state, 1 that will be traveling quite a bit and a 4th that I want to communicate with when I'm on the road. Communication for the 6 of us is going to be paramount.