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Old 06-22-2007, 09:09 PM   #19
Knows Where the Search Button Is
Join Date: Oct 2005
Model: 8700
Carrier: Cingular
Posts: 26

I should have read these threads first. I upgraded my 8700 to an 8300 today for the camera, and every time I tried to sync via USB (I'm on BIS, not BES), it wanted to reload all of my calendar entries.

Like everybody else, I called AT&T..who knew nothing, and they patched me through to RIM directly. The 8300 and the 8830 have this same issue, and they said they've released the fix to the carriers, but we have to wait until AT&T finishes their testing on the patch before they post it on their website.

RIM told me that there was no fix to this now, so I took it back and I figured I'd wait until the fix comes out before I repurchase one.

Side note: I took the advice of another thread and told them that Amazon had the phone for $45, and since my contract was almost up, they sold me a new Curve for $200, with a $100 rebate, then gave me a $55 credit towards accessories (which I promptly used for a case and a 2GB Micro SD card). I did this a AT&T store (not a reseller store), and they were fine with it after a little "nudging". Needless to say, I wasn't happy returning my $45 Curve...but I don't know how long it will take to get that fix out, so I figured I'd wait until it came out.