Thread: 8830 or curve?
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Old 07-23-2007, 07:32 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by ArgonNJ
Originally Posted by nuopus View Post
Well, the absolute ONLY reason to stick with VZW is because of the good network first and foremost, even if you will get shafted on upper end devices. Because AT&T is good internationally too. My parents take it to the Philippines and it is perfect.

I have switched 5 of my friends off of that god awful company so far ... and more to come. Anyway ... BB 8820 anyone? Its hitting AT&T in August sometime is the rumor. You VZW people? Your gonna wait a few months to a year, and when you do get it. You will get shafted with a hobbled feature. Actually ... I doubt you will even get it ... because wifi would give you too many options. Or wait .... they will close off wifi to use their proprietary authentication and make it so you can only use their coffee shop access points for an extree $9 a month. Thats the VZW way.
There really is no reason for Verizon to want a wifi capable BB. If they can't gouge somehow for it, it serves them no purpose to have it. What customers want is inconsequential. Verizon is big and they really don't care if you like them or not. There will always be people willing to pay their tribute month after month to live under Verizon's rules.
Lol that's like a repressed person living under a dictators rule choosing to pay rent to live there over freedom somewhere else just because a lot of other people are there too.
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