Thread: Brand Whoring
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Old 08-08-2007, 09:17 AM   #15
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Ok, now that I've had a day to calm down, I'll explain why I made this thread.

I was at the airport yesterday (big surprise) and there was a female there with Abercrombie sweatpants, an Abercrombie T, a large Vera Bradley bag, and a Chanel purse. I was irked by the insanely huge Abercrombie logos on the pants and shirt, but i really got torqued when I saw that she had left the tag on her Vera bag to like prove that it was real or something. That combination instantly put her in my book as a brand whore, and set off my rant.

People who buy things because they are good products don't worry if people know what brand it is, or care if people know if it is genuine or not.
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