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Old 08-21-2007, 05:35 PM   #10
Heavy Doody
Knows Where the Search Button Is
Join Date: Aug 2007
Model: 8830
Carrier: Verizon
Posts: 28

After using Palm devices for 9 years, I switched to a BlackBerry 8830 last week. It has its ups and downs, which have been pointed out here.

Just one word of caution: If you decide to buy a 700p, but it in-person at a store, and make sure you get one with the older 1.06 firmware. The 1.10 maintenance release basically cripples the 700p's data connection. THAT is why I'm sitting here with a Blackberry. I went through 4 700p's in the past month.

Also, don't let them tell you that "a new one with 1.10 won't have these problems, it's only a problem if you install it yourself." A lot of people have fallen for that one.
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