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Old 02-21-2008, 11:08 PM   #240
Knows Where the Search Button Is
Join Date: May 2007
Model: 8100
Carrier: Cingular
Posts: 34
Default missing file

thanks for the detailed instructions. How much memory is ideal/acceptable for optimum performance?

RE the item below. I miss my room service ringer.
When I try the steps below I cannot find the following file:
net_rim_bb_profiles_tunes_tunebundles_tunes8700g.c od

I had seen it before in other os's. But for the 8700g the file that is avail is called net_rim_bb_profiles_tunes.cod. Same thing for 8100
Anyway if I copy this file it ask me if I want to overwrite the same file name in my 8320 java folder.
Also I tried the file called: net_rim_bb_media_tunebundles_sonicnetworks.cod but same deal as this file already exists in the new OS.
If I change the file name to something like net_rim_bb_profiles_tunes1.cod or net_rim_bb_media_tunebundles_sonicnetworks1.cod it doesnt seem to work.

Anyway can you point me to the net_rim_bb_profiles_tunes_tunebundles_tunes8700g.c od file. I assume it exists somewhere on the site.

Bonus tip:

Did you have an old 8700g or 8100 Blackberry that had those ringtones and notifiers that you really liked, but lost them in in an upgrade or new BB? Simply download and install one of those old OS's (any 4.2.0 OS for the Pearl will have it,) then go to the java folder and move the following .cod from that java folder to your current OS java folder. Once you copy it out of that folder you can go to Control Panel >Add/Remove Programs and uninstall that OS that you don't need (don't uninstall your current OS, though .)

net_rim_bb_profiles_tunes_tunebundles_tunes8700g.c od

Once you've moved that into the current OS java folder then go back to your Blackberry.alx file and find the following:

<fileset Sound="Tunes8700g" Java="1.0">

add the following so it looks like this:

<fileset Sound="Tunes8700g" Java="1.0">
net_rim_bb_profiles_tunes_tunebundles_tunes8700g.c od

Now plug your device in, run application loader all the way through and you should have those old ringtones along with your new ones. (there may be a duplicate or two but, hey, you've freed up so much memory you can afford it, right?)

***Note: You will have to do this each time you upgrade your OS. Simply run this same process on the new OS/java folder created after installing the new OS to the PC. Be sure to delete the vendor.xml again.

Please don't copy and past this post into other forums without my permission. You're welcome to post a link to it, if you like, though. ~Thanks, JC.[/QUOTE]
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