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Old 06-10-2008, 06:53 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by Sparkomatic View Post
I am pretty excited about MobileMe. Well, let me say first, not about the name or the small increase to 20GB but I'll take what I can get.

Right now, I have a mac at work running VMWare/Windows and a BB 8310. At home, I have my macbook pro and an iphone. I'm using BES at work and then when I get home, I connect my BB to my macbook pro to run Missing Sync to update. That updates all my macs using DotMac. Phew...that was confusing!

It's actually not that bad but there are several steps and it's one of those kind of syncing tasks where if one thing goes wrong, it messes everything up. It looks like MobileMe might improve that.

I've been trying to use my iPhone a little more recently in anticipation of 2.0 but have to admit that I could never give up my BB for everyday work stuff
Mobile me, if it works like advertised, will be the selling point for me. Its basically like a personal BES for the iphone with push calendar, contacts and mail. Its all hosted on line, so there is no equipment to maintain or software to manage. The only thing is that they will be charging $99 a year for it. I guess its still cheaper then running your own BES.
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