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Old 07-03-2008, 02:14 PM   #129
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Originally Posted by Pink2 View Post
I have heard almost all BB users that try the iPhone always go back to the BB or keep both, not just use the iPhone. Maybe that'll change with the new one, but I doubt it.
My iPhone is now just for web browsing and other entertainment because BlackBerry SUCKS at those things. I use my BB as my main driver because I need to be able to get email and do things like IM and other daily tasks. Now that iPhone 3G will have exchange email, and will have TONS of 3rd party apps, there is no reason why it won't be my daily device.

I WAS going to wait to get my Bold first, then iPhone 3G. But since it was pushed back I say screw it and I'm just getting my iPhone 3G first. I have a strong feeling I won't be coming back to BlackBerry after that.

The school district my friend works at is issuing iPhones because the 2.0 firmware update will have exchange support. I have 4 friends who are switching to iPhone 3G and dumping their BB just because they are medical students and there are already medical apps for it announced as well as an excellent app for looking up information of prescription medication and complications. Epocrates will be available at launch and have more features than its windows mobile counterpart. And there is Netters Anatomy which is a high quality software for medical education. Both surpass anything found on BB, and looking at the quality of those apps ... something BB will never have, at least in the same quality.
The crazy Filipino!!
PIN: 20FA40E8

Last edited by numetheus; 07-03-2008 at 02:31 PM..
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