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Old 09-22-2006, 11:59 PM   #33
Lex Luthor
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There are launch parties starting Oct.3 and channels will begin to fill shortly thereafter. There are some stores that serve corporate clientelle that will have them as of Oct.2 (like the Rogers Dealer that serves our company at all our offices across the country. I already have an unlocked one but everyone at our company who wants the 8100 can get one on Monday October 2nd)

After speaking with both of my Rogers reps on Friday I was told that depending on what store be it on the retail channel or dealer channel some stores will have the 8100 sooner than others. This is based on the stores classification (A store, B store, etc... all based on their numbers) the busiest stores will get theirs first.

My company deals with a Private dealer who always gets stock first. Our Rogers reps also told me that Dealer stores would most likely get them first and then on the retail channel side you'll see stores such as Wireless Wave, Telephone Booth, Cellcom, etc... get them next. I asked about a time frame and they had mentioned that usually within a week or so but sometimes they all get stock in around the same time as the stores on the retail end. They said the retail store to most likely last get the 8100 would be the Rogers Plus chain of stores as they never get stock in as quick as others. So if you're in Canada I'd check the Multi Carriers (Telephone Booth/Wireless Wave) and other Rogers stores first (Such as Cellcom, LifeStyle Wireless, & Digital Communications, etc...)

Having said all of the above keep in mind that this is just what was told to me by the Rogers reps that serve us. My company has been fortunate to always get new BlackBerries quicker than the launch date but I am the eager beaver out of the bunch and always need to get it sooner.