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Old 06-08-2007, 09:04 PM   #21
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Years being a Dad: 11 years
How many munchkins: 3, Daughter 11, Sons 9 and 8
Why am I a good Dad: Because I am not perfect and don't have this figured all out yet (if ever), so when I'm wrong I admit it and work hard to change. I listen to my wife's constructive criticism when she has any and from time to time I actually ask my children how "daddy is doing as a dad." The trick is to listen to their hearts and not their little heads...if that makes sense. Oh, and with that I still manage to be firm and give clearly defined boundaries.
Why sometimes I an not so good of a Dad: I wasn't very smart with my finances in the beginning when I first got married. I made a lot of money and squandered much of it so now I have to play "catch up" and work a lot. I still spend a lot of time with them, but not as much as I'd like.

Thanks for doing this contest! Sounds like you have a special relationship with your pappy. I hope one day, heck today, my daughter has such nice things to say about me....but she's going thru preteen stage now, so I doubt it.
Do, or do not. There is no try. -Yoda


Last edited by harryzuluberries; 06-08-2007 at 10:36 PM..
Old 06-09-2007, 12:02 AM   #22
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Actually harry, growing up, I wasn't my Dad's favorite -- I am a Mama's girl
I was a tomboy in high school up to middle university and I think my Dad hated me in those years He gets along perfectly with my older sister. They are the kind of people you see in the show NUMB3RS? They talk those kind of talk, creating formula without paper, discussing mathetical problems and all.

But now that I got hooked with technology, my Dad and I get along perfectly well now. LOL.. everytime I talk to him, he seems to get the latest phone to brag about to me. The good thing about it? I know exactly where he is coming from. And ohhh, I am much taller than him now
Old 06-09-2007, 09:00 AM   #23
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Years being a Dad: 33 years

How many munchkins: 3, Daughter 19, Sons 33 and 26

Why am I a good Dad: I let my kids wipe their nose on my tshirt when they are crying.

Why sometimes I an not so good of a Dad: I love computers too much.
Old 06-09-2007, 11:00 PM   #24
Thumbs Must Hurt
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Years being a Dad : 4 1/2 years

How many munchkins : 2 (6 year old and 5 year old daughters) (adopted thru foster care)

Why am I a good Dad: I never thought I wanted kids, but man I never realized what I was missing! After being foster parents for another pair of girls, I thought how awesome having kids is! I am about to start coaching my 5 yr olds basketball team. This should be fun! Plus, I let my girls play with my gadgets! My old BB, my palm t/x, etc.

Why sometimes I an not so good of a Dad: When this forum takes time away from them!
Old 06-09-2007, 11:19 PM   #25
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Years being a Dad: 4.5 years
How many munchkins : 2 sons, 4.5 and 2
Why am I a good Dad: I realize kids don't come with a owners manual and my wife and I have to figure things out as we go along. Good boundaries are important. Raising kids to be happy, confident, intelligent, independent adults is the single most thing I'll do.
Why sometimes I am not so good of a Dad: Sometimes I don't get it right the first time, but I always make it right.
Why didn't I get a BB sooner.
Old 06-10-2007, 10:15 AM   #26
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Years being a Dad: 24 years
How many munchkins : 3 total: a ****er spaniel (pass on), yellow lab (passed on) and the newest love of my life Sophie, a lab, shepard and airedale (14 weeks old).
Why am I a good Dad: Because I give little Sophie the loving she deserves.
Why sometimes I am not so good of a Dad: Sometimes, I am not as patient as a should be, especially with the puppy.

I am convinced that the highest lifeform that one can attain is the pet of a childless couple. We lost our beloved 7.5 year old lab Harper four weeks ago. It only took just over a week to rescue Sophie from the Florida Keys SPCA. I guess this makes this Father's Day special.
Old 06-10-2007, 06:40 PM   #27
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Years being a Dad : 3 years
How many munchkins : 1 son
Why am I a good Dad: I am a good dad, I know this because my wife tells me so, she works late hours and doesn't see us as often as she would like, I am a stay at home dad and since her hours are so odd I am the one to feed and entetain our more than active son.
Why sometimes I an not so good of a Dad: I can escape from it on weekends by hiding in the basement and going on the computer, but my son usally finds me anyways. Like now.
Old 06-11-2007, 01:14 PM   #28
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Years being a Dad : 5 years and change
How many munchkins : 1st grade girl know it all, and a 3 year old son trying out for the live action version of kiddy fall guy
Why am I a good Dad: I have no hobbies anymore, parents understand where that time and $ went.
Why sometimes I an not so good of a Dad: short patience... working on it!
Old 06-11-2007, 02:49 PM   #29
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Years being a dad: 2.5
How many munchkins: 2

A single example showing why I'm a good dad and a bad dad:

Last night, at the dinner table with my wife, my son (2.5 years) and my daughter (10 months), my son turns to me and says, "Daddy, if I pull your finger, will you make a fart?" My wife is shocked that he knows this little game and looks at me like she's going to kill me. I calmly ask my son who taught him this, hoping he'll blame someone else. He says with a big smile, "You did daddy, you did!"

So, at this point, I have no choice but to put myself in the corner (my son hates being put in the corner more than anything). So I put myself in the corner and explain to him why the pull my finger game is bad and how daddy was a bad boy for teaching it to him.

He learned a lesson, my wife wasn't even mad at me, and I got some peace and quiet in the corner for a little while.

Last edited by Spamdumpster; 06-12-2007 at 04:28 AM..
Old 06-11-2007, 05:41 PM   #30
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Years being a Dad : 23 years

How many munchkins: 2 children (son, daughter), 4 dogs, bunch of tropical fish

Why am I a good Dad: Son just now out of college and hasn't moved back home; daughter just finished highschool and on way to college

Why sometimes I an not so good of a Dad: dogs are very spoiled
- Ira
Old 06-11-2007, 10:32 PM   #31
Thumbs Must Hurt
Join Date: Oct 2005
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Years being a Dad : 29.5 years
How many munchkins : 1 each
Why am I a good Dad: I I do just about everything I can for them.
Why sometimes I an not so good of a Dad: Sometimes I ***** about having to do so much.
Old 06-11-2007, 10:45 PM   #32
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Default Because my actions and words are the same

Years being a Dad : 7 years
How many munchkins : 1 daughter
Why am I a good Dad: Because I learned the law on my own to write a constitutional challenge to the U.S. Supreme Court against the divorce laws that keep good fathers from their children. I've posted the last status of my case below so you can get a taste (it's part of my "Dearest Samantha" series), and you can find all previous statuses on my site at the link below. (The embedded links didn't copy here, but you can find them on my site if you're interested.)
Why sometimes I an not so good of a Dad: Because I'm out of ideas if (when) the U.S. Supreme Court denies my request.

Subject: The end is near (June 1, 2007)

Dearest Samantha,

Someday, when you grow older, you might ask questions about why your father wasnxxx8217;t around for you. In anticipation of those questions, and in case Ixxx8217;m not able to answer them for you directly, let me provide the primary answer now: my love, alone, wasnxxx8217;t capable enough to protect you from those who intended you harm.

Today I filed what will be my last legal brief to protect our relationship. This one document summarizes my 7-year battle to stay involved in your life. (Hey daddy! Ixxx8217;m 7-years old, too!) I know pumpkin xxx8211; my fight for you began shortly after you were born. This document is called a petition for writ of certiorari and it was filed with the highest court in this country xxx8211; the U.S. Supreme Court. Learning the law and fighting these cruel and corrupt judges and attorneys were the hardest things Ixxx8217;ve ever done in my life. Though your love is what kept me going, this war has left me with open wounds that cannot be mended. (Daddy, Ixxx8217;ll get you one of my Elmo Band-Aids.) Youxxx8217;re a kind-hearted girl sunshine but, unfortunately, that wonxxx8217;t stop my bleeding. Though donxxx8217;t ever feel guilty about my pain; my conscience led me into this war understanding that I would be facing people with guns and without integrity. My goal was to face them so that you wouldnxxx8217;t have to. The love I felt for you provided me that strength and courage. The eternal wounds were the payment required for feeling this love. The important lesson is this: anything of value always has its price.

Anyway, the purpose of this document is to ask the final decision-makers to let me stand in front of them and explain why I should be allowed back into your life. I do not expect these people to grant me that opportunity. (Why daddy?) I donxxx8217;t know baby; someday, maybe you can ask them directly. In fact, I hope one day you will. Though, make no mistake about it sunshine: the terrorist judges and attorneys won this battle not by ideas, logic, or morals xxx8211; as with all governments, they won solely based on their wielding of force.

After they refuse (which I expect will occur at the beginning of October when their next term starts), I will be out of options and you will grow up without me as a tangible part of your life. (But daddy! I donxxx8217;t want you to leave! [Crying]) Please donxxx8217;t cry sweetheart; it will not make anyone change their minds and I donxxx8217;t know what else to do that has a real chance to succeed. You should instead focus on what will be positive in your life. Grow up with the inspiration that I pushed myself beyond my limits to do what was right by you. Crying about the negatives and my failure will only hurt you further and distract you from your potential. All through your life, you will be denied things that you want. You must always work hard to achieve what you want but, oftentimes, there will be bad people (sometimes with the force of guns) who will attempt to prevent you. As you face these bad people, I cannot provide you advice as to how to achieve what you seek. Those thoughts, decisions, actions, and consequences will be your own.

In the future, you might visit a place called the Holocaust Museum in Washington D.C. It is a frightening but important place to visit as it is a telling reflection of how immoral people can be. Therexxx8217;s an important quote there that I hope you will ponder: xxx8220;Thou shalt not be a victim. Thou shalt not be a perpetrator. Above all, thou shalt not be a bystander.xxx8221; Our friends and family did not take any action to help us stay together. Please donxxx8217;t blame them, as they were under no obligation and, given what I have learned through this horrendous process, I donxxx8217;t think it would have made a difference in getting to spend more time with you. Forgive them, especially your mother. But do learn from all of them xxx8211; be a better friend and family member than they were to you. Please munchkin, follow the golden rule: do unto othersxxx8230;

Beautiful Samantha, throughout my torturous childhood, I dreamt of the love, environment, and opportunities I would provide for my children. I intended that my children would avoid the suffering I experienced. Call me naïve and idealistic, but it kept me moving forward. I had many plans and dreams for both of us. These plans and dreams will now have to change. I am sorry. You deserved more. Judge me as you will.

Love always,


Love Is Earned, a REAL best interest of the child site by Brian Lovett
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AOL: brilovett, MSN: [email address], Yahoo: bm_lovett

P.S. xxx8211;You are welcome (and encouraged) to forward this message to everyone you know. To be removed from my list, please send a blank e-mail to [email address] with the subject REMOVE. Sorry to trouble you. If this e-mail was forwarded to you and you would like to join my list, please send a blank e-mail to [email address] with the subject line SUBSCRIBE. As always, I will continue to post an updated status on my site. If you cannot see the links embedded in this e-mail, or if you would like to see prior statuses, you will find them at Love Is Earned, Status of Case as of June 1, 2007.

Last edited by b_ohare; 06-11-2007 at 10:46 PM..
Old 06-12-2007, 04:37 AM   #33
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Years being a Dad : Nearly 2 years
How many munchkins : 1 20 month old Daughter, 1 child on the way(wife is nealry 11 weeks pregnant)
Why am I a good Dad: I play with my daughter,read her stories, sing to her and rock her to sleep.
Why sometimes I an not so good of a Dad: I dont get to spend much time with her because I work all the time.
Blackberry 8320 Curve Through T-Mobile w/ Jabra 250v
Old 06-12-2007, 05:58 AM   #34
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Default "GREAT TO BE A DAD" Raffle

Years being a Dad : 7 years, 10 months.
How many munchkins : 1 Great 1.
Why am I a good Dad: My life is my Son's.
Why sometimes I am not so good of a Dad: No excuse.
"All above from my unquiet mind!"

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Old 06-13-2007, 02:58 AM   #35
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I hope I get this in just in time!

Years being a Dad : 17 yrs
How many munchkins : Two--one 20 year old step son, and a 7 year old daughter.
Why am I a good Dad: Because I learned to say "no".
Why sometimes I am not so good of a Dad: Because it took me too long to learn to say "no".
Old 06-13-2007, 03:29 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by JSanders View Post
I hope I get this in just in time!

Why am I a good Dad: Because I learned to say "no".
Why sometimes I am not so good of a Dad: Because it took me too long to learn to say "no".
I hear you there! I just took the cherubs shopping - I hope your's accept "no" better than mine did
Old 06-13-2007, 05:55 PM   #37
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Thank you Dads for joining in the raffle. All entries are great and I am having a hard time deciding

I'll post the winners later this afternoon.

Prizes should ship out later today via PRIORITY in time for Father's Day!

Thank you!!!
Old 06-13-2007, 05:58 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by chinesecatt View Post
Thank you Dads for joining in the raffle. All entries are great and I am having a hard time deciding

I'll post the winners later this afternoon.

Prizes should ship out later today via PRIORITY in time for Father's Day!

Thank you!!!
good deal CC btw you talked to JD lately?
Old 06-13-2007, 06:15 PM   #39
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Thanks Dawg

I haven't talked to JD for quite sometime now, months to be exact. The last time he called me on my cellphone was when he was with his co-marines and were getting together because one of their troops died in Iraq?

I miss the times when he used to check where I was through satellite and know exactly where I parked.. lol.

If you hear anything from him, let me know.
Old 06-13-2007, 09:14 PM   #40
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Grand Prize: harryzuluberries
Second Prize: BB8830
Third Prize: neile457

PM me where you want your prizes shipped.

Thanks everybody. Everybody deserves a prize for being such an awesome Dad.

In behalf of the children who can't express themselves enough to find the right words, I would say to all the Dads... Thank you for being the person that you are, dependable, patient in your own way, always listening, sometimes just hearing. Thank you for the sacrifices. I may not understand life right now, but having you on my side, my Dad, frustrated and tired, we can hold hands and be there for each other. With a Dad like you? I am glad I am your child!

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