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Old 01-20-2008, 10:18 AM   #1
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Default Stolen phones recovered with pawnshop database

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Pawnshop database developed by police officers & sheriff’s that is free for all:
Intelligence sharing is based on having the information you need at your finger tips when it counts. Juststolen.Net has developed state-of-the-art electronic pawn transaction reporting and investigation tools that are guaranteed to do just that.
Online Pawn Transaction Reporting is one of the newest resources law enforcement across the globe can use to help solve property crime, drug crime and violent and domestic crime.
Our Pawn Reporting service was designed by police officers from across the US, to serve their specific investigation needs. helps Police to sell unclaimed property. Sell unclaimed property on ebay! Police auction sell impound property. Stolen, Unclaimed, seized property sell no hassle will sell assets from police to ebay. Confiscated property auction sell found and recovered property. Sell, auction arrested evidence. Found, lost, arrested property in custody sell or auction with Police Auctions Powered by Ebay - Police auctions with profit by selling merchandise from police room - seized, confiscated, recovered, lost, stolen assets Sell cars, boats, vehicles, towed, gold, diamonds, instruments, computers, jewelry. helps auction computers, jewelry, Sell cars, boats, vehicles, towed, gold, diamonds, instruments in police custody.
Visit Police Auctions Powered by Ebay - to sell seized property. is an innovative tool designed to easily register personal and business property in order to facilitate their recovery if they are lost or stolen. All types of valuables including laptops, jewelry, art, iPods, bikes and other items can be added to the secure database. also helps reduce insurance fraud by keeping track of stolen items. We work with Police Departments across the country to recover GPS systems, Sirius and XM satellite radios, blackberries and other high tech items and return them to their rightful owner.

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Old 01-20-2008, 12:49 PM   #2
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Old 01-20-2008, 02:48 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Seawolf View Post

I did some research and can not find anything that indicates that this site is phishing or otherwise bad. I was however able to find a number of police sites that mentioned that they use it.

Honestly, I don't know what to think. It sounds legit to me, but as use at your own risk.

Remember, please try searching first!

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Old 01-20-2008, 02:53 PM   #4
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I searched and investigated a bit myself and couldn't find anything illegitimate.

use at your own risk as dfisher creator of the greatest tips and tricks said
ZED 10
Old 01-20-2008, 04:10 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by ezrunner View Post
dfisher creator of the greatest tips and tricks said
Nah, that would be Stinsonddog.

Remember, please try searching first!

Need a screenshot? ... Like JavaLoader?
Try using BBscreen .....Use JL_Cmder!
or BBScreenShooter!

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