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Old 07-10-2006, 07:31 AM   #1
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Default PocketMac 4.0?

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Seeing the quote below posted by another user, I wondered if anyone here had information about PocketMac 4.0. On June 16th, the support person, Steve, expected the 4.0 release out "the next 2 to 3 weeks." Two weeks would've been on the 30th of June and 3 weeks would've been last Friday.
From: [email address]
Subject: [#MZQ-419929]: Due dates aren't carried over for tasks on sync
Date: June 16, 2006 5:03:14 AM EDT
To: (Me)
Reply-To: [email address]


This will be corrected in the 4.0 release. We expect this to be available in the next 2 to 3 weeks.

I will let you know when it is available.

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Ticket Details Ticket ID: MZQ-419929
Department: BlackBerry
Priority: High
Status: Closed
Old 07-18-2006, 11:25 AM   #2
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I sent an inquiry about this to PocketMac, here's the response:
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2006 20:49:44 -0700
Subject: Re: PocketMac 4 For BlackBerry?
From: "Mark @ PocketMac" <>

RIM is testing Version 4.0 now and as soon as they are satisfied we will be
able to release it. I will say we are very close and expect this to be ready
Old 07-18-2006, 12:42 PM   #3
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Good heavens, seems they been talking about this for months...
Old 07-18-2006, 12:46 PM   #4
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Yeah, it looks like they've passed it to RIM though at this point.
Old 07-20-2006, 08:57 PM   #5
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I emailed them more about 4.0, here's Mark's response:

Yes, in fact we can load any application that you can
get on an .alx or .cod format. We even have a link to the Handango web site
to make it easy for you to purchase the add-on applications of your choice.
the only thing we can't do yet in version 4 is to upgrade the BlackBerry
operating system itself. RIM has not yet given us access to that feature, so
you'd still need to have at least one friend with a PC and a USB connection
to accomplish that. Fortunately, that's only 1-2 times a year at most, so
it's a small inconvenience for now.
Old 07-23-2006, 05:57 PM   #6
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Default PocketMac and RIM seem to be passing the buck to each other

This whole sequence of repeated promises and failing to perform is most disturbing, and does neither RIM's nor PocketMac's reputation any service.

I first contacted PocketMac in March of this year and got the same promises as did schalliol, followed by deafening silence.
The issue isn't trivial to me, as I purchased the BlackBerry and the much more costly monthly service from Nextel predicated on PocketMac's promise of version 4's availability in the immediate future. My address book in Entourage has over 6500 names, perhaps 70-80% of them members of opt-in email lists I administer. To have those lists in my BB would be a royal pain. However, version 4 of PocketMac (I was assured by the developer), would be able to selectively synch based on Entourage categories, allowing me to selectively include only the contacts I needed and wanted to the BB and synched (backed up, as it were, as well) to Entourage.

Promises followed more promises with no results.
It's now nearing the end of July. For something that was just a "few days" away and a minor inconvenience, it's become a major problem. Not only am I regularly having to manually, painfully enter important contacts on the BB's keyboard instead of my Mac's, it also leaves me with no backup, should the BB die or be lost/stolen. In fact, it did die (keyboard completely quit working) and had to have it replaced. My heart was in my mouth as I imagined losing all those vital contacts (over 600, many not at all in Entourage). Fortunately, the tech was able to transfer all the data to my new one, but it was very disturbing and the prospect of potential total data loss disaster is still not resolved.

The people at PocketMac do not respond in any way to phone calls. While they do post a phone number on their web site, it is (they seemingly-smugly brag about that on the same page that provides their number) never answered live. Further, it's my experience that calls are not returned, but simply fall into a black hole.

I wonder about companies that hide themselves from telephone contact.
My own most valuable connections with customers are usually by phone. Although such contacts don't always yield a direct, immediate financial payoff, I get invaluable information and feedback and learn about my clients' needs and wants, things that virtually no one would otherwise take the time and effort to type out manually. Everyone knows how just a slight change of tone, a hesitation, a laugh, can communicate a wealth of useful information for which email is very poorly suited. An axiom of modern Communication Theory is that in any relationship, including such as customer and vendor, "one cannot not communicate." The failure (refusal?) to respond to phone calls is heard as a loud message.

Nor have the PocketMac "support" people consistently responded even to email inquiries.
As one self-imposed (by their own staff) deadline/estimate after another vaporized, they just stopped responding altogether. Another message - ambiguous but loud - arising from PocketMac's not communicating.

It was almost, but not quite as difficult with RIM.
At least they answer their phone and while getting to speak to someone appropriate wasn't easy, it wasn't impossible. Why would I contact RIM?

Well, trying to read bewtween the lines, it certainly appears that some while back, PocketMac and RIM struck a deal
where RIM would support the development and delivery of the application so that PocketMac for the BlackBerry could be free to end users. While that sounds nice - a vital software tool free - in fact it seems somehow to have created "vaporware," with no progression, as promised, to the very necessary features of version 4, not even a Beta version. So as far a I'm concerned, once that RIM allowed itself to be inserted into PocketMac's proccess, and especially as I've purchased a BlackBerry that's made by RIM in expectation the version 4 would be available, they're now in my sights to take responsibility for this issue.

Frankly, I'd have been delighted to pay PocketMac the previous price of the software [before the deal was struck between the two companies] or even double that to get the functionality I need to feel safe and sane with my BB and integrate it with Entourage. Free isn't free when it generates far more work and risk than a fair price I can pay directly for software that does what I need it to do. That kind of free is costly, and nearly irrecoverably lost me my data!

I eventually contacted someone at RIM by phone
who shall, momentarily here, remain nameless. He sounded both concerned and embarrassed and wasn't very forthcoming about why the situation existed, except it was clear from what he did say and how he said it that he felt caught between a rock and a hard place (I'd guess caught between irate users and his somewhat-understandable need to keep whatever's really going on between RIM and PocketMac private within his company].

He ultimately asked me to "document" my correspondence with PocketMac, but I decided not to go to the time and trouble of looking up all the emails and forwarding them to him; I'm pretty sure I'm not the first to complain to RIM about the issue. In fact, when I stumbled across this forum this morning, it seemed to exactly confirm my suspicions about that.

I find myself wondering several things:
* Did RIM default on promises to pay PocketMac for it's development of version 4?

* Or, did PocketMac, now that it didn't perhaps have the urgency for cash flow/profits directly from users pushing it to follow through, and perhaps having pocketed (no pun intended) RIM's money, got sloppy-lazy in moving version 4 out of Beta?

* Did the oft-mentioned Beta actually even exist, or was that vaporware, too?

* Did RIM and PocketMac have a falling out?

* Are Research In Motion and PocketMac just companies that don't consider supporting their products and keeping promises to their users important?

Curious minds, as the saying goes, want to know.

And the consequence of playing deaf?
This message will undoubtedly get spidered and cataloged for tens of thousands of future Google, Yahoo! and MSN search engine visitors to find when looking for info about RIM and PocketMac, now publicly visible for all the world to see, instead of being resolved appropriately and without fanfare right from the start. Sort of poetic, isn't it?

Originally Posted by schalliol
Seeing the quote below posted by another user, I wondered if anyone here had information about PocketMac 4.0. On June 16th, the support person, Steve, expected the 4.0 release out "the next 2 to 3 weeks." Two weeks would've been on the 30th of June and 3 weeks would've been last Friday.
Old 07-24-2006, 12:19 AM   #7
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Send this to the address I noted above and let us know what reply you get.
Old 08-05-2006, 01:31 PM   #8
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Excellent post, donlevy. You raise a buncha questions in a fairly even-handed way that have crossed my mind (and filled many of my posts as well) for a long time. A year or two ago, RIM sported a "Mac User" link directly on its home page (before it redesigned its site) and seemed to be courting the small-but-deeply loyal Mac market, sort of positioning BB ala the Mac, i.e. stylish hardware bearing innovative software for "think different" individuals, even if its general-consumer marketshare was small. (This was before RIM starting outselling Palm...) I found this disingenuous, however, because RIM never actually delivered anything to make our BB experience better.

Turning to third-party apps, I selected PM and paid for it, but soon realized it was a 50-percent solution, i.e., better than nothing, but still missing half of the functionality I desired. And at least half of my inquiries to IAA about software glitches received e-mailed assurances that they were working on an update that would address it, which would be out "in a few weeks." I'm still dealing with many of those...

When RIM and IAA announced their partnership (offering PM for free), I got my hopes up again, thinking that RIM might bring the needed vision and "urgency" to PM and issue a retooled program that featured some genuine upgraded functionality for Mac users. Many of the rumors about PM 4.0 seem to promise that, but the clock has been ticking for sooooo long... I'll believe it when I see it.

It's easy to read into this lack of movement on the part of RIM/IAA and wonder if the union soured somehow. And the fact that IAA seems to be confirming that 4.0 won't include the ability to upgrade the BB OS surely makes me question its app-loading capability all together. Frankly, my hopes are not high that PM will at last morph into the program it should have been all along, and I consider the advice of "keeping a PC around" in order to make up for PM's shortcomings ridiculous.

Now, I know it was my choice to switch from Palm to BB, and I did so with eyes wide open, knowing about the latter's lack of Mac/BB connectivity, so it's easy to dismiss complaints of this nature by saying, "It's your fault for selecting BB when you're a Mac user." That was a valid response at one time, but not anymore. Once RIM formed this partnership, the onus shifted from IAA to RIM, and every month that passes reflects poorly on the sincerity of RIM's interest in the Mac OS and its many fanatically loyal users like me.

Fortunately, the truly innovative company in this equation - Apple - has offered a real solution almost my accident now that Intel Macs can run Windows natively. To me, this is the solution that holds the most promise.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go check under my couch cushions for loose change so I can buy a MacBook
Old 08-05-2006, 09:04 PM   #9
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FWIW - I gave up on Pocketmac and am running Windows XP/Outlook on my MacBook with absolutely no issues. It syncs perfectly every time.

That said, it is a pain to reboot to run Windows using Boot Camp. I was all set to try Parallel (which allows running Windows XP in a window while you are in OS X) - but discovered that people are having trouble with the USB connection to their Blackberry with that.

So I guess the search for the perfect solution goes on...
Old 08-06-2006, 12:07 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by schulzmc10
FWIW - I gave up on Pocketmac and am running Windows XP/Outlook on my MacBook with absolutely no issues. It syncs perfectly every time.

That said, it is a pain to reboot to run Windows using Boot Camp. I was all set to try Parallel (which allows running Windows XP in a window while you are in OS X) - but discovered that people are having trouble with the USB connection to their Blackberry with that.

So I guess the search for the perfect solution goes on...
I screwed around with Virtual PC for a while, but also found it difficult to establish USB connectivity, so I abandoned the emulator idea as well.

Don't know why it never occured to me before but here's a thought that just hit me, which you or anyone else using BootCamp might answer: given that you're actually using an entirely different OS (XP) and RIM's Desktop software, there's obviously no integration with Apple's iApps (iCal, Calendar, Stickies, etc.). So, once again, even this natively operating integration seems to demand a compromise for Mac/BB users.

I'd love to hear how Boot Camp users are dealing with that... seems like even if you use Boot Camp, you'll still need a half-baked solution like PM for Mac-app to BB integration.
Old 08-06-2006, 12:28 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by peznut
I screwed around with Virtual PC for a while, but also found it difficult to establish USB connectivity, so I abandoned the emulator idea as well.

Don't know why it never occured to me before but here's a thought that just hit me, which you or anyone else using BootCamp might answer: given that you're actually using an entirely different OS (XP) and RIM's Desktop software, there's obviously no integration with Apple's iApps (iCal, Calendar, Stickies, etc.). So, once again, even this natively operating integration seems to demand a compromise for Mac/BB users.

I'd love to hear how Boot Camp users are dealing with that... seems like even if you use Boot Camp, you'll still need a half-baked solution like PM for Mac-app to BB integration.
You are right - the Mac apps are unusable from Boot Camp. For me that's not an issue, because I am using Outlook (my secretary needs access to my calendar).
Old 08-06-2006, 11:42 PM   #12
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Re: donlevy's response. Unless the PM rep. lied, which I highly doubt, PM4 is totally in RIM's hands. It sounds as though RIM wanted to validate PM4 before it ships. It's frustrating, to say the least, but my feeling is that RIM should be the organization contacted to express displeasure in the timing of this release. I fully expect to see PM4 before too long.
Old 08-11-2006, 12:11 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by schalliol
Re: donlevy's response. Unless the PM rep. lied, which I highly doubt, PM4 is totally in RIM's hands. It sounds as though RIM wanted to validate PM4 before it ships. It's frustrating, to say the least, but my feeling is that RIM should be the organization contacted to express displeasure in the timing of this release. I fully expect to see PM4 before too long.
That's interesting and very fair, so I'll admit that my comments here and elsewhere are colored by just how poor PM 3.13 really is, and try to summon the hope that RIM won't "stand" for issuing a major upgrade in the previous IAA vein...

That's tough for me to do, however, because I just (truly) spent the last 15 minutes trying to figure out why PM suddenly won't sync my Stickies to Notes properly! I'm not kidding; I deleted two properly synced Notes/Stickies but one of 'em won't go away, and a new Stickie I just created shows up on my BB with its title but NONE of the body copy I created! Stupid f-ing piece of @#!& PM software!!!

Whoops, sorry. Ingrained habits C'mon, RIM! Please deliver...
Old 08-21-2006, 05:42 PM   #14
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Macs now running Windows through either Boot Camp or Parallels is a huge step. I'm hoping that when Apple releases Leopard shortly it will make it easeir for syncing devices like the Blackberry. Apple has promised more functionallity with Windows and it's believed that Leopard will run Windows natively, right out of the box, with something like Parallels built in. This could finally solve the issues of updating BB firmware and other annoying niggles that have come up. Looks like PocketMac 4 will solve the software install issue. Now the trick is waiting for it.
Old 08-22-2006, 12:50 PM   #15
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Really wish PocketMac/RIM would release an update. Due to various sync issues I have stopped using PM and began using a PC here at work to sync my info until an update to PM is released.

Leopard will not run Windows natively, and it will not be released until sometime next spring....probably March.
Old 09-26-2006, 08:03 AM   #16
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I find it interesting to see posts back in August about PM 4.0 .. its now the end of September... where is PM4??

*sigh* RIM should be ashamed of choosing IAA to write their software.. They should have done it in house.
Old 09-26-2006, 11:24 PM   #17
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LOOK IN THE 8100 FORUM... LINK POSTED TO BETA COPY... works with 8100...

PIN: 204CB415
Old 09-27-2006, 12:22 AM   #18
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I just synced my 8100 to my PowerMac with Entourage and it works perfectly. I only synced contacts, notes, and calendar, but they all came through exactly as they should. In contacts, the ampersand "&" is converted to "+" as part of a workaround for another issue. Actually PocketMac 3 did that as well with my 7105t. I installed the Beta 4 along side the older Version 3 with no worries, figuring I'd keep the older version in case I needed to switch back to my 7105t. I'll delet it now, however, as it's unnecessary and the beta can handle all my Blackberry syncing.

Here's the link to download PM beta 4:

Thanks to Viper2809 for spotting it and posting. Helluva first post!
Old 09-27-2006, 08:03 AM   #19
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The system extension xxx8220;/System/Library/Extensions/BlackberryUSBDev.kextxxx8220; was installed improperly and cannot be used. Please try reinstalling it, or contact the productxxx8217;s vendor for an update. :(
Old 10-09-2006, 09:09 PM   #20
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if your'e having issues with the system extension you can fix it yourself.

open terminal and type the following:

sudo chown -R root:wheel /System/Library/Extensions/BlackberryUSBDev.kext/

then enter your password. then type the following:

sudo chown -R root:wheel /System/Library/Extensions/BlackberryUSB.kext/

enter your password again.

then launch pocketmac sync manager and sync away. i was using version 4 when i had this issue. not sure why the kext's from PM are getting installed under <username>:wheel rather then root:wheel.
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