Originally Posted by NJBlackBerry
According to the RIM web site, a JVM 523 error means that a "System process died", which doesn't sound good to me. If it was me, I would reload the entire handheld OS and be very wary of downloading that application again.
Get ahold of "Javaloader" - I think it has been posted here several times. Connect the BB and type
javaloader -usb wipe from a DOS prompt. This will wipe out the BB.
Download the latest version of the 7290 code from Cingular. Restart Desktop Manager and it should reload the OS. Then restore your data....
Good luck...
Thanks for the suggestions! An update....
I first tried calling Cingular to patch me into RIM Tech Support. Cingular Data Support is closed on Sundays (damn you Cingular!).
Then tried calling RIM directly. RIM Tech Support won't talk to me without going through Cingular. Okay, not a problem I thought as my company is a very large Enterprise BES customer, so I ask RIM to look up our corporate Tsupport number. No can do says RIM. I need to give them the number.
Now I'm livid and the wife decides to go and workout rather then listening to me throwing a tantrum

. I spend the next hour becoming one with Google.
Download Java SDK to get the ^%^&* javaloader.exe. Javaloader -usb wipe can't recognize the USB as unit is hung in the 523 error state. Back to Google again and find:
NJBlackberry is everywhere

At the bottom of the above thread is the solution.....disable the USB checking in the Desktop and then bring up apploader.
Brain wipe was succesfull and I'm now just waiting for my corporate Enterprise Activation to complete.
For now I am going to assume that the OTA issue with the app was an anomoly until I hear from the developer, so I'd rather not start a panic and name the application (I've OTA'd his app many times in the past with no problem).