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sirgruffil 08-24-2005 05:44 AM

UK Vodafone users help!
I've been trying to set up Instant Messaging on my 7290, following the advice and settings posted on these forums, but without success. I contacted my carrier, Vodafone, to confirm the APN settings and enquire whether any additional data services need to added to my account, but they simply told me that they do not support such services and the BlackBerry is intended only for email(!)

Can anyone offer and experiences or advice?

BBAdmin 08-24-2005 05:56 AM

I'm a Voda UK user on a BES and I run BB Messenger with no issues, no additional service setup required on the line or parameters on the BlackBerry. whoever you spoke to will have said 'unsupported' because it sounds better than 'don't have a clue.' What exactly doesn't seem to be working?

sirgruffil 08-24-2005 06:16 AM

I'm not using a BES, but trying to set up web access for instant messaging, which means using TCP. It's the TCP which isn't working, and which Vodafone say is unsupported - despite the fact that some users on this forum appear to have it working.

eatmypiano 08-24-2005 06:50 AM

It's not supported. Not by Vodafone, anyway. They block traffic over certain ports and don't offer a facility to unblock those ports.

sirgruffil 08-24-2005 08:09 AM

Hm. How come there are posts on these forums that suggest it works? Seems odd.

xombi 08-30-2005 03:04 AM

Are you talking about the official RIM BlackBerry Instant Messanger, as I have it working on 7100 with Vodafone UK BIS, I just installed it and it worked, if it makes any difference to you I currently am using (in TCP) the apn : user name : wap P/w : wap but I know people with nothing in the TCP and it works!

sirgruffil 08-31-2005 06:01 AM


Originally Posted by xombi
Are you talking about the official RIM BlackBerry Instant Messanger, as I have it working on 7100 with Vodafone UK BIS, I just installed it and it worked, if it makes any difference to you I currently am using (in TCP) the apn : user name : wap P/w : wap but I know people with nothing in the TCP and it works!

No, I'm trying to use WebMessenger (but had the same problem with VeriChat, too). I think the BlackBerry IM is a whole other deal.

xombi 09-01-2005 02:39 AM

To be honest I have had limited success with 3rd party apps that access wap on Vodafone, I tried using the free bbtoday and it wont access the weather etc, most of the IM apps I tried did not work although I did manage to get Pocketday & IM+ to work. I guess it must be something different on the Voda setup, I know they don't have the enhanced browsing capability like other carriers do so perhaps its related to that, the one thing that helped to get Pocketday working was turning the firewall off for some reason although it didn't help with any other apps!

cgreensas 09-01-2005 07:06 AM

I am on vodafone in the UK but with a BES and have used 3 different IM programs successfully on my blackberry (7230 and 7290) I am using MDS so effectively my BES is a proxy server and it will allow anything the firewall at the office allows, I am sure I heard that with a "mobile email" blackberry the services that vodafone allow on the handheld are limited to web browsing and email transfer.

BadWolf 09-01-2005 07:15 AM

According to....

You need to have Version 4.0 installed. then set up the TCP settings like this..


Vodafone (UK)
Gateway IP:
Port: 9201
username: [email address]
password: user
Gateway IP:
Port: 9201

Don't appear to exist on V3.8

But I havn't had the time to try it out yet.

sirgruffil 09-01-2005 02:32 PM

I finally got WebMessenger working! The TCP settings I used were as follows:

APN: internet
Login: web
Password: web

Note this is *not* as quoted in the forum faq (and above) - those settings did not work for me. Also, for some reason it took multiple reboots of the BB (removing the battery each time) before the TCP settings would 'stick'.

KeithDud 09-27-2005 07:22 PM

This works

Originally Posted by sirgruffil
I finally got WebMessenger working! The TCP settings I used were as follows:

APN: internet
Login: web
Password: web

Note this is *not* as quoted in the forum faq (and above) - those settings did not work for me. Also, for some reason it took multiple reboots of the BB (removing the battery each time) before the TCP settings would 'stick'.

Do you know if you used Gateway IP: & Port: 9201 ?

Thanks for your post. i have same problem.

sirgruffil 09-27-2005 07:56 PM

Yes, that's the Gateway IP I have. I didn't change it from the default values.

KeithDud 09-27-2005 08:06 PM

I tried the above settings. They enabled Berryvine RSS Reader and BBspell to connect. I also have trouble gettings them to "stick" after a reboot but they worked without bothering with this process.

However Requireless WebViewer Personal Edition needs:

WAP Gateway IP:
WAP Gateway Port: 9201
Connection port: 80

Could someone explainall this ?

Woods 11-10-2005 04:37 PM

I had a similar problem and eventually managed to get Vodafone to supply

APN: Internet
P/w: web
User: webs

Note P/w and username are case sensitive and user is webs not web as quoted earlier in this thread. The Vodafone browser is hard coded so you cannot alter the gateway manually. See following link:


Originally Posted by KeithDud
I tried the above settings. They enabled Berryvine RSS Reader and BBspell to connect. I also have trouble gettings them to "stick" after a reboot but they worked without bothering with this process.

However Requireless WebViewer Personal Edition needs:

WAP Gateway IP:
WAP Gateway Port: 9201
Connection port: 80

Could someone explainall this ?

sirgruffil 11-10-2005 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by Woods
I had a similar problem and eventually managed to get Vodafone to supply

APN: Internet
P/w: web
User: webs

Note P/w and username are case sensitive and user is webs not web as quoted earlier in this thread.

Strange. I've been using internet (not 'Internet'), web, web (not 'webs') for a couple of months now, with no problems. I don't think their settings are as sensitive as suggested.

Steve Walker 04-13-2006 09:16 AM

I agree, I made a mistake on the username and password, the only setting that needs to be correct appears to be an APN of 'internet'.

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