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Old 01-20-2008, 05:23 AM   #21
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Been a Palm user for years and years (PalmPilot, IIIc, IV, V, T, T2, Treo600, Treo650, Treo680) - got used to the crashes and freezes. Also got used to the 3rd party apps - esp Agendus. Now have a Curve 8310 (still got the Treo 680) - have to say the 8310 is a great device but the lack of any decent 3rd party apps is leaving me frustrated. Have switched back to the Treo and then back to the Curve a dozen times in the past week ... but the Curve is finally winning the battle - just too good a device. So I'll wait for the 3rd party apps to appear (hopefully soon).
Old 01-20-2008, 05:46 AM   #22
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Wirelessly posted (BlackBerry8320/4.2.2 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 VendorID/100)

What kind of app do you need,I mean I don't need that many,actually I don't even need that they look nice,as long as they do the job,I don't really care,the goog thing is that the ones I need are third party apps and are for free,tell me what do you need may be. I can help!!!
Old 01-20-2008, 10:10 PM   #23
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You know, I used to use a Treo 680 and only pulled the trigger to go to the BB 8320 because I had broken my Treo screen on accident due to a very small drop.

There are several features I miss on the Treo that just aren't on the Blackberry Curve. More specifically the very basic functions such as the calendar and tasks as well as the SMS messaging simply is dismal for an "os" that has been out for so long.

Unfortunately, unlike Palm, RIM insists upon its calendar, task, alert and many other programs being the sole program for program to program interaction. Customization on the blackberry just isn't there compared to the Treo's, and programs available for the blackberry aren't... as "freely" available as those *cough* programs on the Treo.

However, Blackberry excels at push email, messaging and stability over the Treo. Messaging to me is extremely important as I hardly use the phone for its phone features being hard-of-hearing. Perhaps the stability of a Blackberry is directly related to the "closedness" of the platform, but it's really up to you as to at what cost is stability worth to you.

Overall, in the long run RIM has it down, and as they move into the consumer market as they've made a direct attempt to do with the 8300 series, they will realize the need to revamp many of their antiquated calendaring, alert and the like programs to be more visually appealing and much more open to modification.
Old 01-21-2008, 09:18 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by firefightermedic View Post
I am currently using the Palm Treo 750 Smartphone and am looking for input from others on switching to the BB Curve. I see that each phone has its own strongpoints and weaknesses. Just wondering what is the better phone.
I came from a Verizon 700p and miss the fast data speeds, but that's about it. Everything just works on this phone (as with all Blackberrys it seems), while the Treo was in a perpetual state of needing a hard reset.
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Old 01-21-2008, 03:07 PM   #25
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I'm a switcher too. I came from a Treo 680 to the Blackberry 7105t > 8100 Pearl > 8300 & 8800 (as the mood strikes me) and it was the best move ever.

Treo Advantage:
1. Threaded SMS. It's the gold standard in text messaging. RIM should either copy this as closely as possible or license the basic idea if necessary.

Blackberry Advantages:
1. Stability. Forget freezes, resets, and random crashes. How can you rely on a phone when you're not even sure it will function?
2. Form factor. The Blackberry Curve is the size of the Treo but 1/2 as thick, and considerably lighter too.
3. Integration of email and PIM functions makes keeping in contact and organizing your schedule a breeze.

There are tons of other advantages for the Blackberry, but these are the ones that made the difference to me. Here's one thing to consider though. If you're like me (I see you're on T-Mobile) then you're probably paying $5.99/month for the TZones data plan. It's a sweet deal - the best deal in data plans anywhere. For an unlimited Blackberry BIS plan with T-Mobile it will cost $20/month added onto your minutes plan. You'll be trading a $6 monthly fee for a $20 one. Just an FYI/heads up. It's well worth it, but it is more per month. I guess it's a case of getting what you pay for.
Old 02-07-2008, 05:44 PM   #26
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Well I finally did it. I purchased an 8320. After only a few days, I am certain that I made the right move.

I encourage anyone on these forums who owns a Treo and is hesitant to make the switch to BB, go for it. You'll never look back.
Old 02-08-2008, 05:16 AM   #27
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Default Palm to Curve 8310

Originally Posted by firefightermedic View Post
I am currently using the Palm Treo 750 Smartphone and am looking for input from others on switching to the BB Curve. I see that each phone has its own strongpoints and weaknesses. Just wondering what is the better phone.
I have been a Palm user for 11 years and have loved it above everything else out there. I have had almost every Palm sold except for the Treo's since they didn't have a good reputation. For the last 3 years I have used a Tungsten and then a T/X to dial my phone via bluetooth. I have over 3,000 contacts, so dialing that way makes sense. It has always been fun, but the last few months have been frustrating. First off, when Palm switched from Graffiti to Graffiti 2 (because of a lawsuit with the actual owners of Graffiti) touchscreen handwriting went downhill. It was great to be able to write on the screen without ever looking down. I did that all of the time and became very proficient. Graffiti 2 was never as accurate and was a pain to use. I finally had to start using the touchscreen keyboard which was really slow, but accurate. It finally got to the point where the keyboard had a tough time resolving certain letters such as "A". The Palm is extremely elegant and has always (from the day I bought the first one) made me feel comfortable from the moment I purchased it.

I shopped, researched and studied all of the choices out there and came up with the Curve 8310. Everyone I talked to loved it. At first it took some getting used to, but after 1 week, I'm in the groove. Some of the applications aren't as elegant, but overall, it will win you over. I find myself using it ALL the time. I love being within a half second of being instantly connected. Everything works extremely well on it and the screen puts out a beautiful picture. I am a Crackberry after one week. I can't tell you how much I resisted this change. I still use my Palm T/X for browsing the internet on Wi-Fi since it does that extremely well. In fact, the Curve has a lousy interface with the web, so if that is really important to you, you should look to another smart phone.

What it does, it does really well. The contact management is good, email and messaging are fantastic. The calendar is good and although I haven't used it, the GPS will be very useful. I resisted and dreaded switching to Outlook, but using the data pipe to Outlook that comes with the Palm made switching painless and easy. As I get used to Outlook, I think it will eclipse Palm for my use. It doesn't have the ease of use and intuitiveness that the Palm OS has.

I miss having the touch screen and sometimes find myself tapping on the Curve's screen. The track ball actually works great and is better than always having to pull out a stylus. It doesn't take long to get used to that. The only thing I don't like is having to scroll down a long page. Big documents are really annoying to look at on the Curve. But then, that isn't what it is made for.

There are definitely more apps for the Palm than the Curve, but for business use, the Curve just doesn't need many upgrades. Honestly, this thing is addicting.

Palm had so many chances to get their act together, but they just can't seem to come out with a good smart phone. It's too bad. I'm gone for now, but I would definitely consider a Palm again if they ever get it right. Personally, I think Apple should buy Palm and do something with it. How cool would that be? Palm was the Mac of the personal organizer world.
Old 04-20-2008, 09:23 PM   #28
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I had a Palm Tungsten T that I used extensively. I really liked it cause it was easy to use, and there were tons of programs that were available (and FREE!). I was a bit nervous about switching over to the BB. The learning curve was a lot steeper but after having this phone for nearly 3 weeks now, I'm really liking it. It's convenient, all-in-one utility which is just what I need. Before I had to deal with two separate devices.

I'm a bit bummed that I can't get free software (be nice if they had a free world clock program), but in all honesty, even the programs I did have, I only used them once in a blue moon.

Overall, I'm a happy BB owner and user.
Old 04-21-2008, 09:21 AM   #29
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Dont even think about it,

DO IT, blackberry rules
Old 07-07-2008, 07:24 PM   #30
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Why is it that several people have mentioned that the data speeds on the Blackberry's are slower than on the Treo's. I am looking at switching from the Treo 700P to a Curve 8330 on Verizon.
Old 07-07-2008, 07:46 PM   #31
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Two words:

DO it.


You won't have any regrets at all.
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Old 07-07-2008, 08:14 PM   #32
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Dont know bout treos, but data on my blackberry is faster than the iphone i had and any verizon phone i ever had.
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Old 07-09-2008, 06:30 PM   #33
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Given that this message is many months old now, might be a little late. But, considering that before I made a switch from a 755p to an 8330 I checked out forums, I'll throw in my $.02.

I have found that while I had my Treo for a lot longer and was much more familiar with it (and any necessary workarounds), learning my BB is not a big deal. I think that quite simply, the support you get for the 8330 and the info. available to troubleshoot is far beyond what I had for my new paperweight. Besides that, knowing that my device was only a matter of months old, with limited 3rd party software added to it and STILL crashed constantly???...

I just wish I would have made the switch sooner.
Old 07-30-2008, 03:03 AM   #34
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Originally Posted by firefightermedic View Post
I am currently using the Palm Treo 750 Smartphone and am looking for input from others on switching to the BB Curve. I see that each phone has its own strongpoints and weaknesses. Just wondering what is the better phone.
BB has no weaknesses, it is infallible. If in doubt, refer to rule 1 - BB is infallible.
I came from a 755/750, I hated it's lousy stability, poor security, oh and how it took 10 mins to sync. BB hands down is the best Platform, and that's if you're not even counting the realtime email and Rim's security and innocation!
Old 07-30-2008, 03:46 AM   #35
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I thought only 2 kind of Handset....Blackberry and Non Blackberry.
Hey...I also ex-Palm user.
Old 09-22-2008, 12:22 PM   #36
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Please, if you will ever find a program with "floating events and tasks", tell me immediately. I loved the build-in calendar (datebk 5) using the palm. I changed once to Windows Mobile, but returned to Palm, missing the floats. Now I have my BB and it is very good! I am staying with it, but missing and waiting for "floating events and tasks".
Old 09-22-2008, 04:07 PM   #37
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There are pros and cons to them all -- there are still things I miss about my Moto Q, although it was a full-on piece of sh[t. But make this move..... BlackBerry truly just "feels" better - the platform, the equipment, the support, the push, the stability -- it goes on and on. It's just plain better. You'll be happy you made the change.
Old 09-23-2008, 09:36 AM   #38
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Was a Palm, then Handspring, then Ipaq user. Switch to the very first "Garage Door Opener" BB's a LONG time ago. The handheld has improved dramatically since. I will never look back. No other device IMO is better for what I do. Yeah, even the blasted iPhone. IMO its a toy.
Old 09-25-2008, 12:15 PM   #39
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I started with a treo 600, then the 650, then onto the 700wx and with each one of my treo's i had problems. Losing data, and a few of the other problems already mentioned in this thread. My latest phone was the motorola Q. Too be honest i didnt have a lot of problems with my Q aside from it shutting off by itself sometimes and the battery life was pretty weak...had to charge it almost every night...or if not the next day...

I was always choosing those devices over blackberry for the camera,mp3,touch screen ect....When i heard that Black Berry finally put out a phone with the cam and all that i had to check it out. Im now a proud owner of the 8330 curve and i'm loving it...i really like the data plan on the curve compared to previous plans i had. I was paying $25/month for 4mb of usage. Now i pay $30/month for UNLIMITED browsing...feels good to not feel 'scared' of going over those Mb each time i use the net on my phone.

LIke most others the only thing i kinda miss is the 3rd party apps and sometime i miss the touch screen a lil...
Old 09-25-2008, 05:07 PM   #40
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Im coming of a very bad experience with the Palm Treo 800w. Man is that thing a toilet. It was so bad I left Windows for a 8330 Curve. It's been a few months now and I've never had to reboot, never do any maintenance and best of all the battery can handle my heavy usage. It just works great out of the box.

I do miss tweaking and touch screen sometimes. I think I'm going to buy a cheap 700wx and tweak it just to get it out of my system.
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